woman sitting at campsite with solo stove fire pit

Essentials for Living in an RV

Gear to Make RV Living Easier

In this section, you’ll find reviews and lists of products to help you get on the road and make life more comfortable in a tiny space.

Living in a tiny RV space, you’ll need to be selective about what you bring into your rolling home.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the many options for RV gear and accessories. Below, you’ll find information to help you determine what equipment you really need in your motorhome or towable RV.

We choose RV gear and camping essentials based on these factors.

  • Size of item and ease of storage
  • Durability for outdoor living
  • Multi-use or dual-purpose (or frequency of use)
  • Amount of resources item consumes (water to clean, power to run, etc.)

The use you get out of your gear should always balance with the space and resources it consumes! 

Get started outfitting your RV with the right gear using our complete guide below.

Complete Guide to Outfitting an RV for New Campers

If you’re a new RV owner, the process of outfitting an RV can seem overwhelming. In this guide, we’ll look at the key areas of outfitting your RV so you can confidently hit the open road.

RV Camping Gear Posts

Below are in-depth posts on all the must-have RV camping gear.

NOTE: We only recommend products we’ve used or that have a great reputation in the RV community. Our priority is to provide guides to proven gear for your RV lifestyle.

Want to learn more about how to live in an RV?

For more on essential RV gear, the pros and cons of RVing living, and how to get out on the road, view our complete guide.