kid jumping off the side of a sailboat next to an island

Get inspired to live a life aboard!

Quotes, Movies, Books, and More to Inspire Sailors

Find inspiration to get you ready for your next sailing adventure or even world travel while living on a sailboat.

To inspire you for the sailing lifestyle, these lists will keep you reaching for freedom and prepare you for your new life as a sailor! The topics we cover include:

  • Sailor sayings and inspirational quotes about the sailing life
  • Sailing movies, documentaries, and songs about sailing and the ocean
  • Sailing books with stories from sailors as well as books about how to live on a sailboat
  • YouTube channels and Instagram accounts from sailors who share their stories and experiences living on a sailboat

Find Sailing Inspiration

Browse lists of books, movies, songs, and more.

Ready to learn more about living on a boat?

For tips on boat gear, cooking onboard, cruising full-time, and more – check out our guide.